Birth date: September 11, 1974
Place of Birth: Youngstown, Ohio, USA
Marital Status: Married, to Tina Ju-Hyae Park
September 1996 to June 2001 Stanford University School of Medicine, M.D.
September 1992 to June 1996 Stanford University, B.A.S. with Honors, Distinction (top 10 percent of graduating class), Phi Beta Kappa, Biological Sciences and German Studies
June 2001- June 2002 Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Program, Intern in General Surgery
July 2002- June 2007 Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Program, Resident in Neurological Surgery (Professors Martin H. Weiss and Steven L. Giannotta, Program Directors)
July 2006-June 2007 USC/Rancho Los Amigos, Fellow in Spine and Neurotrauma Surgery (Professor Michael Y. Wang, Program Director) (Professor Steven L. Giannotta, Chairman; Professor Salah Rubayi, Rancho Site Chairman)
July 2007- June 2008 Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Program, Resident Supervisor (Professor Steven L. Giannotta, Supervisor)
May 2015-Present Licensed Physcian and Surgeon, State of Utah
November 2011- Present American Board of Neurological Surgery, Board Certified
May 2009- Present Licensed Physician and Surgeon, State of Texas
April 2009- March 2010 Licensed Physician and Surgeon, State of North Dakota
August 2007- Present Licensed X-Ray Supervisor and Operator, State of California
August 2007- Present ACLS Certification
September 2002- Present Licensed Physician and Surgeon, State of California
December 2001 Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners
November 2001 USMLE Step III, Pass
March 2001 USMLE Step II, Pass
June 1998 USMLE Step I, Pass
April 2009- February 2012 Assistant Professor, Vivian E. Smith Department of Neurosurgery, Director of Neurotrauma, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX
August 2008- March 2009 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
March 2016- Present Staff Neurosurgeon, Foothill Regional Medical Center, Tustin, CA
April 2014- Present Staff Neurosurgeon, Anaheim Regional Medical Center, Anaheim, CA
December 2013- Present Staff Neurosurgeon, BASIC Irvine Ambulatory Surgery Center, Irvine, CA
December 2012- Present Staff Neurosurgeon, Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center, Fountain Valley, Fountain Valley, CA
December 2012- December 2014 Staff Neurosurgeon, West Anaheim Medical Center, Anaheim, CA
July 2012-September 2015 Staff Neurosurgeon, Orange Coast Medical Center, Fountain Valley, CA
July 2012-Present Staff Neurosurgeon, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Orange, CA
July 2012-June 2015 Staff Neurosurgeon, Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, CA
February 2012-June 2015 Staff Neurosurgeon, Chapman Medical Center, Orange, CA
March 2012-September 2015 Staff Neurosurgeon, Pomona Valley Medical Center, Pomona, CA
April 2009-February 2012 Staff Neurosurgeon, Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX
April 2009-February 2012 Staff Neurosurgeon, Memorial Hermann-Northeast Medical Center, Humble, TX
August 2008-December 2008 Staff Neurosurgeon, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Woodland Hills, CA
August 2008-January 2009 Staff Neurosurgeon, Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, Whittier, CA
1999 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medical Student Fellowship
1998 Excellence in Student Research, Western Medical Student Research Forum, Carmel, CA
1996 Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University
1995 Golden Grant for Humanities Research, Stanford University Grant awarded to the top Honors Thesis Proposals
1992 National Merit Finalist
March 2007 Visiting Scientist, Institute for Surgical Research, Rikshospitalet National Hospital, University of Oslo Faculty of Medicine; Oslo, Norway Mentor: Dr. Iver Langmoen, Professor of Neurosurgery Research Subject: Studying the ability of engineered artificial extracellular matrix proteins to guide differentiation of adult human neural stem cells
July 2006 to June 2007 Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology; Pasadena, California Mentors: Dr. David A. Tirrell, McCollum Professor and Chairman; Dr. Charles Y. Liu, Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California Research Subject: Designing artificial proteins that could orchestrate instructional neurogenesis and direct growth cone migration
July 1999 to June 2000 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medical Student Fellow, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine; Seattle, Washington Mentor: Dr. H. Richard Winn, Professor and Chairman Research Subject: Dissection of the adenosine-induced signal transduction and ion channel activation in CNS arteries and arterioles
January 1997 to June 1998 Research Assistant, Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford, California Mentor: Dr. Lubert Stryer, Winzer Professor of Cell Biology Research Subjects: 1) Molecular mechanics of recoverin, a calcium sensor in vision, and 2) Localization patterns of two distinct classes of receptors in goldfish olfactory epithelium
November 1994 to February 1996 Research Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford, California Mentor: Dr. Suzanne R. Pfeffer, Professor and Chairman Research Subjects: 1) Functional characterization of GTP-Dissociation Inhibitor isomer (GDI-ß), and 2) Carried out a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify potential effectors of rab9
February 1995 to June 1996 Honors Program Participant, Department of German Studies, Stanford University; Stanford, California Mentor: Dr. William Petig, Senior Lecturer Research Subject: Germany’s relations with her former African colonies in the post-colonial era; project included research at the National Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, Germany
Summer 1992 NIH Research Apprentice, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Loma Linda University School of Medicine; Loma Linda, California Mentor: Dr. Subrata Saha, Professor and Vice-Chair for Research Research Subject: Ultrasonic quantification of buccal thickness in patients with hemifacial microsomia
August 2011-February 2012 Medical Student Clerkship Director, University of Texas Medical School at Houston Responsibilities: Oversee all medical students on the Neurological Surgery Service.
July 2005-December 2005 Chief Resident, USC University Hospital Neurological Surgery Service. Responsibilities: Leading daily patient care rounds and teaching senior medical students and sub-interns.
September 1997 to December 1997 Teaching Assistant, Department of Surgery, Division of Human Anatomy, Stanford University School of Medicine Supervisor: Dr. Lawrence Mathers, Jr., Chief, Division of Human Anatomy and Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics Responsibilities: Led small group and laboratory sessions for first-year medical students four times per week
March 2011-February 2012 Chair, Neurotrauma Quality Improvement Committee, Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center
April 2010-February 2012 Member, Neurosurgery Clinical Performance Committee, Memorial Hermann Health Care System
July 2003 to June 2004 Delegate from Department of Neurological Surgery, Joint Council of Interns and Residents, Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center.
Responsibilities: Negotiating purchase of equipment for the LAC+USC Medical Center from a $2.1 million fund
1996 to 1997 Voting Member, California Medical Association, Governing Council of Medical Students.
Responsibilities: Represented Stanford medical students at quarterly meetings of the CMA-GC
1996 to 1997 Alternate Delegate AMA-MSS, Stanford University School of Medicine Responsibilities: Represented Stanford medical students at meetings of the American Medical Association in Atlanta, GA (1996) and Chicago, IL (1997)
May 2006 to Present Ad Hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Neurosurgery Responsibilities: Review manuscripts submitted to Neurosurgery, the official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons
April 2011 to Present Ad Hoc Manuscript Reviewer, World Neurosurgery Responsibilities: Review manuscripts submitted to World Neurosurgery, the official journal of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
LeFebvre E, Cotton BA, Radhakrishnan H, Oh BC, Kozar RA, Wade CE, and Holcomb JB. Impact of coagulopathy on time to placement of intracranial monitor placement in brain injured patients (submitted)
Santiago LA, Oh BC, Dash PK, Holcomb JB, and Wade CE. Traumatic brain injury: a review with an emphasis on penetrating ballistic injuries. Brain Injury (in press).
Khoueir P, Oh BC, and Wang MY. Delayed post-traumatic spinal deformity. Neurosurgery 63 (suppl 3): A117-124
Elder JB, Hoh DJ, Oh BC, Heller AC, Liu CY, and Apuzzo MLJ. The future of cerebral surgery: a kaleidoscope of opportunities. Neurosurgery 62(6 suppl 3): SH1555-1579
Khalessi AA, Oh BC, and Wang MY. (2008) Medical management of ankylosing spondylitis. Neurosurgical Focus 24(1): E4
Khoueir P, Oh BC, DiRisio D, and Wang MY. (2007) Multi-level anterior cervical fusion using a collagen-hydroxyapatite matrix with iliac crest bone marrow aspirate: An eighteen month follow-up study. Neurosurgery 61(5): 963-971
Oh BC, Liu CY, Wang MY, Pagnini PG, Yu C, and Apuzzo MLJ. (2007) Stereotactic radiosurgery-Adjacent tissue injury and response: Part II-Strategies for therapeutic enhancement, brain injury mitigation, and brain injury repair. Neurosurgery 60(5): 799-815.
Oh BC, Pagnini PG, Wang MY, Liu CY, Kim PE, Yu C, and Apuzzo MLJ. (2007) Stereotactic radiosurgery-Adjacent tissue injury and response after high-dose single fraction radiation: Part I-Histology, imaging, and molecular events. Neurosurgery 60(1): 31-45.
Wang MY, Kim AK, Oh BC, Lim MR, Lee JY, and Albert TJ. (2005) Static versus dynamic plating for anterior cervical spinal fusion. Roundtables in Spine Surgery: Controversies in Cervical Spine Surgery 1(3): 3-9.
Heller C, Krieger MD, Sandberg DI, Oh BC, McComb JG. (2004) Programmable versus fixed-pressure valves in treatment of hydrocephalus in children. Neurosurgery 55(2): 471.
Cao Y, Oh BC, and Stryer L. (1998) Cloning and localization of two multigene receptor families in goldfish olfactory epithelium. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95(20): 11987-11992.
Oh BC and Baldwin AN. (1998) A glycine to alanine mutation does not disable either of two key swivels in recoverin. J Invest Med 46(1): 147A.
Oh BC, Hoh DJ, and Giannotta SL. “Tumors of the cerebellopontine angle.” In Comprehensive Management of Tumors of the Skull Base, EY Hanna and F DeMonte, Editors (in press)
Wang MY and Oh BC. “Syringomyelia in the cervical spine.” In Cervical Spine Surgery: Diagnosis and Management, TJ Albert, JY Lee, and MR Lim, Editors (in press)
Oh BC and Wang MY. (2008) “Cervical anatomy and approaches.” In Surgery of the Pediatric Spine, D Kim, Editor. Thieme, New York, NY.
Wang MY, Oh BC, and Aho CJ. (2005) “Lateral lumbar interbody fusion.” In Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine, D Kim, Editor. Thieme, Philadelphia, PA.
Oh BC. (1996) Germany’s relations with her former African colonies in the post-colonial era. Honors Thesis, Stanford University.
Wade CE, Oh BC, Dash PK Holcomb JB (2010) Development of a swine penetrating ballistic brain injury (PBBI) polytrauma model. Proceedings of the 2010 Advanced Technology Application for Combat Casualty Care Conference.
Elder JB, Vik-Mo E, Oh BC, Varghese M, MacDougall MG, Langmoen I, Tirrell DAT, Liu CY. (2008) Effects of artificial extracellular matrix proteins on the differentiation of tumor stem-like cells derived from human glioblastoma. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Oh BC, Marquez YD, Liu CY, Apuzzo MLJ and Tirrell DA. (2007) Development of an artificial extracellular matrix protein for neurogenesis. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Orning J, Nourian A, Zhou B, Zee CS, Oh BC and Giannotta SL. (2007) A lower admission Glasgow coma scale (GCS) Score corresponds to an increased likelihood of Marshall classification progression. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons.
Oh BC, Heller AC, Elder JB, Wang MY, Liu CY, and Giannotta SL (2006) Use of invasive continuous cardiac output monitoring in management of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Oh BC, Heller AC, Hoh DJ, Wang MY, Liu CY, and Giannotta SL (2006) Outcomes and complications from triple-H therapy using invasive continuous cardiac output monitoring. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Wang MY, Levi ADO, Oh BC (2006) Minimally invasive lateral mass screw fixation in the cervical spine: Initial clinical experience with long-term follow-up. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves.
Oh BC, Krieger MD, Sandberg DI, and McComb JG (2004) Treatment of pediatric clival chordomas. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Heller C, Krieger MD, Sandberg DI, Oh BC,and McComb JG (2004) Programmable vs. fixed-pressure valves for the treatment of hydrocephalus in children. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Oh BC, Krieger MD, Sandberg DI, Finlay J, and McComb JG (2004) Neurofibromatosis 3: A report of patients meeting diagnostic criteria for both neurofibromatosis 1 and 2. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neuro-oncology.
Liu CY, Apuzzo MLJ, Oh BC, Heller AC, and Tirrell DAT (2003) Artificial proteins designed to activate the Notch receptor expresses well in a prokaryote host. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Oh BC, Wang MY, and Weiss MH (2003) Excision of adenomas originating in the pituitary stalk. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Wang MY, Green BA, Oh BC, Levi ADO, Gruen PJ (2003) Minimally invasive cervical expansile laminoplasty: Cadaveric study and initial clinical results. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves.
Kim KA, Oh BC, McNatt S, Khoo LT, Ghosh S, Tillou A, Pinsky G, Gruen JP, and Giannotta SL. (2003) Vector analysis correlating cerebral injury to outcome in post-civilian gunshot wound to the head: Discovery of a GSW fatality zone in the cerebrum. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Oh BC, West GA, Meno JR, Nguyen T-S, and Winn HR. (2001) Differential role of KATP channels in adenosine-induced vasodilation in rat cerebral vessels: Large conduit versus microvascular arterioles. Soc Neurosci Abstracts.
Nguyen T-S, Oh BC, Meno JR, West GA, and Winn HR. (2001) Role of calcium-dependent potassium channels in adenosine-induced vasodilation in rat cerebral intraparenchymal arterioles. Soc Neurosci Abstracts.
Saha S, Oh BC, and Welch T. (1993) Ultrasonic quantification of buccal thickness in patients with hemifacial microsomia. Proc of the 15th Annual Intl Conf of IEEE/EMBS. I: 234.
Oh BC, “Traumatic Brain Injury Research: Current State of Affairs.” Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery, UT-Health Medical School. March 2011, Houston, Texas.
Apuzzo, MLJ, Liu CY, Pagnini PG, Yu C, Hoh DJ, and Oh BC. “Chained Lightning: Exploitation of Energy and Radiobiological Principles for Therapeutic Purposes.” Invited Lecture, 19th Mexican Congress of Neurosurgery, July 2007, Mexico City, Mexico.
Oh BC, Kim KA, and Giannotta SL. “Spinal AVMs: Current Classification Scheme and Management.” Symposium on New Advances in the Treatment of Spinal Disorders. May 2007, Pasadena, California.
Apuzzo, MLJ, Liu CY, and Oh BC. “Genius, Originality, and Veritas in an Age of Babel Revisited.” Invited Lecture, University of Napoli School of Medicine, May 2006, Naples, Italy.
Apuzzo, MLJ, Leary SP, Liu CY, and Oh BC. “Nanotechnology and the Emancipation of Surgery.” Gordon Murray Lecture, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, May 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Wang MY, Levi ADO, Oh BC. “Minimally Invasive Lateral Mass Screw Fixation in the Cervical Spine: Initial Clinical Experience with Long-Term Follow-up.” AANS/CNS Spine and Peripheral Nerve Section Meeting, March 2006, Orlando, Florida.
Oh BC, Krieger MD, Sandberg DI, Finlay J, and McComb JG. “Neurofibromatosis 3: A Report of Patients Meeting Diagnostic Criteria for Both Neurofibromatosis 1 and 2.” International Society for Pediatric Neuro-oncology Meeting, June 2004, Boston, Massachusetts.
Wang MY, Green BA, Oh BC, Levi ADO, Gruen PJ. “Minimally Invasive Cervical Expansile Laminoplasty: Cadaveric Study and Initial Clinical Results.” AANS/CNS Spine and Peripheral Nerve Section Meeting, March 2003, Tampa, Florida.
Oh BC. “Adenosine Induced Signal Transduction and Ion Channel Activation in Different CNS Vascular Beds.” 2000 Meeting of Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medical Student Fellows, May 16, 2000, Bethesda, Maryland.
Oh BC, Baldwin AN, Stryer L. “A Glycine to Alanine Mutation Does Not Disable Either of Two Key Swivels in Recoverin.” 1998 Western Medical Student Research Forum, February 20, 1998, Carmel, California.
Oh BC. A review of Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques: Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Fessler RG and Sekhar L, editors. Neurosurgery.
Oh BC, Holcomb JB, Mayfield JH (2011) Comment on Peiniger et al. “Traumatic brain injury and resuscitation with blood products: what should we do?” Critical Care 15(4): 172.
Oh BC. (2007) Comment on Owen et al. “The madness of Dionysus: a neurosurgical perspective on Friedrich Nietzsche.” Neurosurgery 61(3): 632.
American Association of Neurological Surgeons Congress of Neurological Surgeons
English, German, Spanish (conversational), Teochew (Chinese dialect, conversational)