Osteoporosis is a condition that makes your bones brittle and weak. They can become so weak that even a simple act of coughing can cause a fracture. The most common areas of osteoporosis-related fractures include the spine, hip and wrist. Bones are made of living tissues that get constantly broken down and replaced. When the…

Seniors & Overuse Injuries
Joints lose lubrication over time and soft tissues lose some natural elasticity. These changes increase the risk of overuse injuries in seniors. This isn’t just a problem for older adults routinely participating in sports like golf and tennis that require repetitive motions. Even the act of regularly reaching and stretching could contribute to overuse injuries….

5 Summer Activities That Are Good for Your Joints
Just because you have joint pain doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sidelines during the warmer, sunnier months of summer. In fact, some degree of activity is good for your joints, even ones affected by arthritis, age-related wear, or sports-related injuries. Below are five summer activities that can be easy on your joints…

Your Guide to Healthy Knees
It should come as no surprise that knees are highly susceptible to injury. After all, they are responsible for many important movements. The knee, which is the largest joint in your body, is held together by a complex network of nerves, soft tissues, and joints that need to work together smoothly and efficiently. If you…

5 Ways to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries at Home
According to the National Safety Council, one in four adults falls each year in the United States, and more than 3 million older adults end up in emergency rooms annually because of injuries from falls. Many injuries of this nature also result in orthopedic issues that may affect knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles, and wrists….

4 Natural Ways to Boost Your Bone Health
Bones become less dense over time, usually starting when people are in their thirties. For some individuals, bone loss progresses faster than normal – and this may lead to osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions. It’s also entirely possibly to have little or no issues with weaker bones. Either way, there’s nothing that can be done…

5 Smart Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy as You Age
Joints are naturally designed to keep you moving for many years. But they’re still susceptible to damage from wear and tear, strain, and underlying conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. Age-related changes to bone tissue can also make joints more likely to become fractured during later years in life. Not all joint problems that may become…

4 Things You Can Do to Ease Back Pain While Pregnant
It’s not unusual to experience back pain while pregnant. Added weight that throws off the center of your gravity and hormonal changes that relax ligaments that support your lower spine are some of the reasons why this happens. It’s not entirely possible to prevent all instances of spine-related aches and pains while pregnant. However, there…

SI Joint Problems: An Unexpected Source of Lower Back Pain
It’s often assumed that lower back pain is related to a herniated disc or irritation of the sciatic nerve, a long nerve running from the lumbar spine into the legs. An unexpected source of discomfort affecting the same area is the sacroiliac (SI) joints. Located on either side of the iliac bones in the pelvis,…